The Farm

Aug. 29, 2002 ~ It's official...

my back is, technically speaking, "out." It's not so bad in the mornings, but by nightfall I find myself wishing that somebody would just shoot me. Okay, so that's a SLIGHT exaggeration. But only because I think the shooting would hurt.

Did you know you can type standing up? You surely can, if you put the keyboard and the mouse/mouse pad on boxes.

I feel like a caged lion -- pacing, pacing. It hurts to sit; it hurts to lie down; after awhile it hurts to stand up, too. So I move, just keep moving, and my muscles ache from being on my feet so much.

I've lived through it before, and I'm sure I'll make it through this, too. I've got steroids and painkillers, and may take some of the pain medicine after tonight's meeting. I'm sure not looking forward to that, but maybe it will be okay.

That's all for now, folks.

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