The Farm

Dec. 14, 2001 ~ There isn't a whole lot to say,

when one is sick. Certainly not much that is of any interest to anyone. But maybe I'll write just a little anyway.

In reading other online journals and various emails and message boards, I find that a lot of other folks are sick, too. Normally, I would just think that it's that time of year, so lots of people are sick. But this year it occurred to me, for one brief moment, that maybe it was something else, something planned, something sinister. We keep hearing about biological and chemical attacks being planned. So that thought went through my head. Maybe it isn't a sinus infection. Maybe my friends DON'T have colds. Maybe someone is spreading these nasty little germs on purpose, to weaken our immune systems, and then they're going to hit us with the really bad stuff. Well, I told you I didn't have much to say. Just weird stuff. Sick person stuff.

After I'm sick for awhile, I start getting bored. Really bored. And when I'm really, really bored, I think of these odd things. But I'll bet I'm not the only person who's wondered about this... I know I'm not.

Here's a bit of advice. When you have a sore throat, DON'T get a flashlight and decide to look at it. You might decide that your throat is deformed and you have some really, really AWFUL disease. You might even start looking things up on Google, until you realize that you probably just have a regular sore throat, and a regular sinus infection, and you have way too much time on your hands.

No doubt.

But I am getting better, slowly but surely.

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