The Farm

Dec. 15, 2001 ~ I am not good at

being a sick person. And when I am sick, I'm not the sharpest tack in the box, because I just lost a longish entry I had typed here. sigh. What was I saying? Does it even matter?

Some people can handle illness fairly well. A few folks even seem to enjoy it. We all know someone like that, right? But I can tolerate being under the weather (sounds so much nicer than "sick," don't you think?) for two, maybe three days, tops. After that, it starts to get extremely irritating. I hope that I'm never seriously ill, because I doubt that I could be very gracious or cooperative. I'm not a good patient. After awhile, I just get frustrated. I mean, it disrupts that whole strong/invincible/capable thing I've got going... or aspire to. How can I be laid low by some stupid, brainless, microscopic critters? So annoying.

I feel a little better, so I do what just has to be done. Clean the horses' stalls, put out hay for the cows, feed them. But even that little bit of activity makes me dizzy and sick to my stomach. Not acceptable.

I was able to sleep in my bed last night, which is nice. It's SOOOOOoooo much more comfortable than the chair. I still can't talk much, and people laugh when they hear my voice, but at least I CAN speak. Being voiceless for a few days sure makes you appreciate the gift of being able to speak. It makes life so much easier.

Several of my friends are sick; it's just that time of year, I guess. (Ignore yesterday's entry.) Here's to better days for all of us...

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