The Farm

Dec. 09, 2001 ~ Quiet days

Some days are just like that. I hope this is one of them. Today I'm battling a cold, or something like it. At the first sign of a sniffle, I usually start using those zinc lozenges... you know, the ones that are supposed to reduce cold symptoms? And they've always worked before. They usually lessen the severity of the symptoms and shorten the time of the illness by half. So seven to ten days of feeling lousy becomes 3 to 5 days of feeling just a little under the weather.

Well, for whatever reason, the lozenges aren't working this time. At all. My immune system is probably not so hot at the moment. It's been a tough week or so.

Last Sunday we spent the day in the local emergency room, hearing dire predictions and "threats" of putting Larry into the hospital. For what, you are wondering. Must be something awful, right? No. My darling husband had stepped on a very large nail two days earlier, and had refused to go to a doctor. A manly man, and all that. We thought we were taking care of the foot. Soaked it in hot water, kept it clean, used antibiotic ointment. Except for just that one little thing, the not going to the doctor, he probably would have been fine. But he didn't, and he wasn't, and the foot got badly infected. They feared the bone had gotten infected, actually, and you don't even want to know what they had to say about that. But after x-rays and consultations and much time had passed, they decided that the nail had missed the bone. Whew. He was given a nasty shot (he thinks the shot hurt more than the injured foot) and some heavy-duty prescriptions. Told to return to the doctor the next day, and if he wasn't showing marked improvement, he would HAVE to be hospitalized. For a NAIL in the foot.

We were scared. Actually, I was terrified from the moment I first realized that he had an infection. It came on suddenly, and it must have been the look on my face that convinced him that yes, he had to go to an emergency room, and yes, he had to go that very minute. He was still annoyed. It interfered with his plans. And at this rate, he was never going to get the barn fixed, he said.

He's not complaining about that anymore. And the foot is MUCH better, thanks. He's still taking the heavy-duty drugs, and they seem to be doing the trick. Finally. But we were both pretty stressed out there for awhile. Not long before this happened, he hurt his knee at work. So he's still dealing with that, and he's limping some, but not as much.

Like I said, my immune system could be better. I'm sure it will be, soon. Just as soon as Larry is okay again.


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