The Farm

August 24, 2001 ~ Yesterday

I talked to the doctor on the phone, and didn't even ask her about the test results. This is because I figured it would take more than a couple of minutes to explain everything, and I really just needed to talk to her about a side effect of the new medication. Friends keep asking, "Any word?" And I tell them that no news is good news. Today I told someone that I'd talked to the doc but she hadn't said anything negative so I thought all was well.

"You mean you didn't ASK?"

"Well, I kinda thought she might bring it up if there was anything worth mentioning."

So I think it's safe to assume that there's nothing to tell.

Someone told me the other day that doctors get a commission for every MRI referral they make. Huh. Wonder if that's the case? So if someone has headaches, do they now get an MRI instead of "take two aspirin?" Is it a standard thing? I think they need to come up with a new standard thing, then, one which isn't so creepy or so loud.


I got to play on the neighbors' new computer today. This was done under the guise of "helping" them. They're new to computers, but they're both smart so it won't be long till it's second nature for them. I hesitate to write these words, but my computer is four years old. Really. Four years old, which makes it something of a dinosaur. And not only that, but its extended warranty has just expired, so I have a suspicion that it may not be long for this world. You know how appliances are! So today I got to play on the neighbors' state of the art, brand new spiffy IBM. They've had it for several days, so of course it's probably already out of date, but it is awfully nice. It probably won't be long until I need to shop for another one... maybe I should start looking before this one bites the dust.


Still don't have a whole lot to say, and yet I managed to say stuff anyway. Go figure.

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