The Farm

August 8, 2001 ~ As expected,

the first words out of Susan's mouth this morning were "How did it go yesterday?" And lots more questions. She started acting all doctory and asked some of the same things that they'd asked yesterday, which COULD have made me nervous, but didn't. Yeah, just keep telling yourself that, Carol. Susan is not familiar with the drug, though she thinks it is one of the new ones in its class and is supposed to be really good. But I don't LIKE new ones, and don't much like old ones, either... I am really a pretty "difficult" patient, because I don't like taking any medications, don't like going to doctors, and really hate being sick. That's probably why I get along so well with Susan. She hates going to doctors, too. My theory is that I will usually get over most anything, whether or not I do anything about it. And if I were ever seriously ill... well, don't take this the wrong way, but I'd probably just have to die, because I am not good at cooperating with things medical. Faced with that situation, I might do a complete turnaround, might want to fight very hard -- I guess it's hard to say for sure. But my plan is to just stay healthy and not ever have to deal with such things.

Last night I was pretty tired, but didn't realize just HOW tired, until I woke up at 4:00 this morning. Acck! I remember flopping down on the bed about 7:00 last night, just to rest for a few minutes, and vaguely remember later crawling under the sheets when the AC got too cold. Something about Larry telling me it was 9:00, and I should go back to sleep, and then it was 4:00 AM. I was fully clothed, still wearing my watch, makeup, even my pedometer! Talk about disorienting... I'd missed dinner, hadn't given the cat his evening shot (sorry, Misha), hadn't taken the new-fangled terribly important pill... had really blown it big time. People can't just go around falling asleep -- there are important things to be done! You would think I would feel very rested and refreshed, but I don't. Another nap may be needed, right after I meet a friend for lunch.


Susan thinks I should join the Rotary club here in town, so I'm going with her to next week's meeting, just to check it out. I was under the impression that the Rotary club was mostly for grownups and business people, but she is pretty sure I would qualify anyway. I can't seem to talk her out of it, so I'll give it a shot. She says they have pretty good food!


And one more thing, "they" really don't think it is a brain tumor. But I still don't like their choices.

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