The Farm

August 7, 2001 ~ That pesky brain tumor thing again

Going to a doctor is truly a no-win situation. If they find something terribly wrong, I'm unhappy. If they don't find anything at all, I'm unhappy. See the problem? So what we need to aim for, really, is a nice, happy medium. A middle-of-the-road ailment, one with a name, a cause and a cure. Something they can recognize, have that little "Ah hah!" moment, and fix right up. Yessiree Bob, that's the ticket.

Today's long-postponed visit to the doctor did not quite go as planned. Oh, we all laughed a lot, because I am nothing if not amusing. Then they started mentioning nasty tests and I smiled and said, "I don't think so. No thank you." THAT, they took seriously. But there will be a brain scan in a couple of weeks. And I forgot to tell the doctor that I don't want to hear the scary stuff unless it's been confirmed. I actually forgot! I have abandoned doctors for that very reason, and here I forgot to tell her. It's not that I'm being unrealistic, I just prefer not to worry unless there's really a REASON to worry -- though I may be in the minority there. Some people want to know every little possibility; me, I'd rather they just smiled and didn't say a whole lot, did their tests and then told me afterwards, "Well, we THOUGHT it might be this awful thing, but OOPS, it wasn't! Ha ha! You just need to take more vitamins!" But since I neglected to mention my preferences, the nice doctor and nurses accidentally told me a couple of the scary choices, which I very politely declined. That's where the laughter came in. The first choices were not good ones, but this one obscure possibility... a very minor, piddly type thing, that's the one I wanted. And I said, "Yes! I'll take that one!"

They prescribed a medication which I'm not familiar with, so I am of course suspicious. I told Larry that I was going to ask "Susan" (all names except my husband's and my own have been changed) about it tomorrow. He laughed and said, "But she's a VET."

Well, yes. There's that. But she prescribes a lot of the same medicines that people doctors do.


I hope she doesn't tell me anything weird about the drug, because I am really an awful, terrible patient, and I probably would decide not to take the medicine. Maybe I won't say anything to her at all. But she's going to ask anyway, because she knows about the appointment, so maybe I'll just... oh, who knows. Maybe I'll go hide under the bed with the cats.


Personally, I think I just need to take more vitamins. Or maybe an aspirin.

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