The Farm

July 11, 2001 ~ Two out of three

I am so big and brave. Very, very brave. This morning I got my hair cut... and not just a little bit. Did I say maybe three inches? Try five or six. So I am still in shock. It was my idea, of course. And it's for the best. She (haircutter lady) cut about four inches off, and asked me what I thought -- after a couple of minutes of turning and twisting and pondering the reflection of that stranger in the mirror, I held up my hand, fingers a couple of inches apart, and said, "This much more."

"It will shrink up, you know. It's going to be shorter when it's dry," she said.

But I gave her the go-ahead, and she went ahead, and when I saw the finished product, I exclaimed, "It's SHORT!"

Did I mention that I was in shock? Every time I walk by a mirror I am STILL surprised.

So I have short (er) hair and am in recovery now.

I think I'm just going to go mow the yard. And the driveway. And the back pen. And when I come back inside, I have a sneaking suspicion that my hair will STILL be short.

Oh, and yesterday I wore mascara. So that's two out of three.

Outside. Going outside now...

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