The Farm

July 10, 2001 ~ Notes to self

So we had our pictures made for our church directory. This was the first time in years (ten or more) that we'd had our photos done. And what a surprise! I'm definitely thinner than in previous photos, but... I had to have a little conversation with myself. It went something like this...

You are kidding yourself about "the natural look." It's more like the "pale, washed-out, sickly look," and it's not really working for you. Hint -- mascara. Other people use it; it might work for you, too. Those long, dark, thick eyelashes are a thing of the past. You're going to have to help Nature along now.

And your hair... how do I say this delicately? Long and beautiful has given way to just... long. Never mind that it's been close to waist-length for most of your life -- a change probably won't kill you. Remember when you thought that long hair didn't look good on women over thirty? Ahem. Remember? Is it coming back to you yet? Exactly how old do you think you are, anyway? Yes, I KNOW you had eight inches cut off last year. Let's try losing just a few more inches this year, too. Really. It's time. We're talking dull and lifeless and no amount of conditioner is making any difference. And it shows, in that photo. Let's try having three or four inches cut off, shall we? Baby steps.

And WHEN was the last time you bought a new outfit? Are you just CHEAP or what? Well, maybe not CHEAP cheap, but frugal cheap. Those folks at your meetings are probably getting tired of seeing you in the same three outfits (and variations thereof) over and over again. Maybe one little outfit won't hurt. You might even find one on sale.

So to review... mascara, cut that hair, and one new outfit (and no, jeans or overalls DON'T count). And then you might want to consider having your picture taken again!

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