The Farm

Nov. 06, 2003 ~ Twins!

Twins, twins, twins! Our very sweetest, gentlest, most perfect cow, Suzy Q, gave birth to twins during the night. In some ways the timing could not have been worse; in some ways it could not have been better. Yesterday I had to have some very expensive tests run, and my hope is that the sale of this bonus baby will cover our portion of the costs. That's the good news. But my goodness... last night the weather turned cold and nasty, windy and drizzling, and I've had a rough week. Body parts have rebelled again, and a few days were spent in bed, barely able to move. Knees gave out, wrists and hand and elbows, too, and walking is not easy. Ordinarily I would use a cane, but it's not currently possible with the hand/wrist situation.

A tiny calf let forth a plaintive baby moo, getting my attention, and I went outside for a look. Walking on our not-level ground is tough, so after finding the little one there by the gate, not seeing her mother nearby, I went back inside to wrap both knees. Feeling a bit sturdier on my feet, I checked on the baby again. There was her mother, up on the hill, lying down. I called her; she did not come. Again and again, she would not come. Finally she stood up, and I thought I spied a calf-sized lump next to her. Binoculars proved the calf's exisitence, and I feared that Suzy had abandoned one of her calves. But it seemed strong and sturdy.

To make a long story short, two wonderful neighbors came over and got Suzy and both calves (a boy and a girl) into our stall, where they are currently resting. Both calves have nursed, and I believe she feels motherly toward them both. Neighbor said that sometimes the cow will start out fine with both calves, but then will walk away, maybe to get water. One calf will follow but the other one won't. That's how he thinks they were separated. She has cleaned them both up and licked them both, and she has milk enough for two calves, so I think it will work out fine. Bottle feeding probably won't be necessary, but we do have the supplies should they be needed.

It's our first set of twins! Born to our bestest cow!

Happy days are here again...

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