The Farm

Sept. 22, 2006 ~ Birthday Surprises

Today I turned 49C. I may have mumbled something about not wanting to be 51, about wanting to stay in my forties (but that didn't exactly work out), and someone explained to me that I WASN'T 51. She said that at 49 a person is really 49. At age 50, you are truly 49B. And at 51, you become 49C. See how easy that is? Except I probably couldn't remember it. Can't I just stay 49 and not have to worry about all that counting?

The day brought good wishes from friends and family, and the usual birthday surprises, anonymously sent. Thanks, Dr. Susan! I mean, THANKS, anonymous person! When I returned to the office after lunch there were balloons and candy and a plant. At home there was a plant and banana bread. Another friend decided I needed a plant, too, and is planning to bring one next week. I am practically plant-less, so this is exciting.

Years ago I was a "plant lady," in the same way that some people are "cat ladies," although come to think of it, I am probably a cat lady, too. (Having a large quantity of cats.) We had plants which I'd had since my sons' birth, and some which had actually belonged to my grandmother, who died when I was ten. But I went through a rough patch and did not take care of myself or anything or anyone else, and the plants all died. Every one. So it is nice to have a houseplant again. Let's hope I can be trusted not to kill it!

I'm tired from work and Husband is not even home yet, so I asked if we could celebrate tomorrow instead, after we are both rested. I'm thinking Italian food.

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