The Farm

May. 02, 2010 ~ This and That

Sometimes there just isn't much worth writing about. Nothing particularly interesting. Other times, life gets in the way. Busy, busy. So consider this a "catching up" entry. A little of this, a little of that.

College Boy (I have got to come up with another name for him, since he graduated a while back) is having car trouble for the first time since he has moved out of state. He does have public transportation so will be able to get to work. His car may be damaged beyond repair. Well, damaged beyond repair for a reasonable amount. It's a 15-year-old car, so how much should one logically spend on repairs? A couple of hundred dollars, no problem. A couple of thousand... might want to think twice about that. He is thinking of buying a newer used car, though had not planned to do it so soon. He will take the car in to the shop in the next week or so, and have them take a look. It overheated, and we don't know if it did significant damage. Can't tell from here! The good news about this is that he has just recently started earning extra income, and is being considered for a raise. So it will help with the car payment, if need be. Anyway, cars can either be fixed or replaced. It could always be worse.


We took our bull and our very first cow to auction yesterday. It was hard to see Bonnie go. She was a good girl, but was over 17 years old, which is up in years for a cow. The bull... I was not attached to him, so it was "Adios, Amigo," and please send us the check. We hope that the sale of the two of them will pay the cost of the new bull we purchased yesterday (not at auction; from someone we know). The new guy is a black angus and I think his name is Fred. Names are always iffy at first, but I think that's his name.

This morning Husband left for church, and I left a few minutes later. As I backed up and looked behind me, there was Fred in the backyard. Definitely not in the pen. sigh. I parked the truck so as to try to block off the driveway, called Husband at church, and while I waited for him to get home, I stood in the driveway and hoped Fred didn't try to get past. Because I really couldn't stop him if he wanted to do that. I opened the gate to the pasture where the cows were, because I figured (hoped) that was his intention in getting out, that he wanted to be with the herd. Just as Husband was pulling into the driveway, Fred went through the gate and into the pasture like a good boy. Husband and I were supposed to usher today. He asked me to go ahead and go on in to church, and said he would stay and keep an eye on the bull for a little while. If he didn't show up, I should ask someone else to usher with me. He soon called to say he'd decided to stay, so a friend filled in for him.


It has been a really interesting week. Extremely so. In a good way.


Pastor is moving to a different church next month. It is the way of the Methodist Church; we move our pastors around fairly often. There are a lot of reasons given why this is supposed to be a good thing for all concerned, and I'm sure there is some truth to that, but it's still hard for everyone, probably most of all the pastors and their families. It is a good move for him, and he is excited that he will be going to a larger church with fine facilities and an active congregation. We are happy for him, but there is always that small feeling of uncertainty about "the new guy." The new guy will be my new boss. I hear lots of good things about him, and he has been at his current church an unusually long time, which I think says a great deal about him.


Last year around this time Husband and I participated in our local Relay for Life, a fundraiser for the American Cancer Society, in honor of my friend who had just been diagnosed with breast cancer. This year, another good friend was also diagnosed with breast cancer, so we participated in the Relay in her honor. She is having particularly tough, difficult, strong chemo, and her immune system is wiped out, so she is staying out of circulation for awhile. We sure miss her, but want her to be healthy, and know she will do whatever it takes.


A friend's daughter is getting married. Her daughter and my son are also friends. So I was surprised and disappointed that I didn't receive an invitation to her shower. A mutual friend asked if I was planning to go; I smiled and said probably not. Did not explain that I didn't seem to be invited. I kept checking my P O Box and it just wasn't there. But I knew the invitations had gone out, so I tried not to think about it. It kind of hurt my feelings. Yesterday I checked the P O Box and there was the invitation. I opened the mail at 3 p.m.; the shower was already in progress. The postmark showed that it had been mailed over two weeks ago, but it had not been in my box last week. My guess is that it was accidentally put in the wrong box. Some people do not check their mail daily or even weekely, and it must have been in that wrong box for some time. I am very sorry to have missed the shower but at least I know I wasn't intentionally left out!


One last little thing. You know the Nielsen ratings for TV programs? You've heard of them, no doubt. We've been asked to be a Nielsen family. I'm filling out my first report/survey this week. At this point it is a lot of work. Maybe it will get easier. If not, I'll decline to participate. It is kind of a kick, though, being a part of the ratings! I had heard a while back that in some homes they provided the families with a new color TV and some sort of box which recorded the information automatically about what shows were being watched. They didn't offer such a thing to us, and we probably wouldn't take it if offered, because we have new TV's.

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading!

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