The Farm

Feb. 14, 2010 ~ Losses

The past month has brought more than its share of bad news. Two friends, Bonnie and Sara, have lost beloved sons. Both unexpectedly. Oh, how my heart aches for them. There is really nothing that anyone can say to ease that kind of pain, but I am so very sorry and sad for them. The other day I was talking to my son on the phone, telling him how the impossible had happened, that another friend's son had passed away. He was quiet for a moment, then said, "This son is alive." And I told him I was so glad that was true. Losing a child is every parent's worst nightmare; I truly cannot think of anything worse. We are not supposed to outlive our children. So when something like this happens, it can't help but shake us to the core. Today would have been the 35th birthday of another friend's son This is Valentine's Day, and should be a happy occasion, but for these three friends there will probably be tears. I hope you dear ones know that you are in my prayers.

We had snow recently. In East Texas. That is as rare as hen's teeth. Wait, do hens ever actually have teeth? I guess not. But we don't see much snow, however you want to say it. So this came as a big surprise...

As did this...

These pictures are probably way too big and I should probably fix them. Maybe later. The snow has mostly melted now except for on the mountain at the back of the property. I don't know why. Husband is from a place where it snows more, and he said that's just the way it is. Snow lasts longer on the mountains.

Guess that's all for now.

Thanks for stopping by.

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