The Farm

Sept. 20, 2009 ~ Catching up

Writing email is easy; writing journal entries -- not always so easy. Who knows why. This past year or so I've been writing lots of emails, and the words seem to flow effortlessly most of the time. Yet when I sat down to actually add an entry here, it occurred to me that I don't have much to say. Maybe because I say it in other formats?

So what's new here? Hmmmm. Well, we have had a LOT of rain. Our little town was even on CNN last week because of the flooding. Chunks of our road have floated away, the edges of our driveway have taken off for parts unknown, and one day the water was over our road and the highway and I had to stay home from work for awhile. It appeared that water might come inside the house, as I watched it quickly inching across the back porch. But we're okay, and after seven days of solid, unrelenting rain, we had two dry days. Whoo hoo! I've never been so glad to see the sun!

What else has happened? Not long ago I was a victim of Identity Theft. Although "victim" is an unpleasant word, it's easier to say than "The person whose identity was stolen." It happened in a surprising yet very ordinary way, the details of which I won't mention here. I learned that this is often a non-issue in many police departments. It's too much trouble to investigate and too hard to catch the criminals, so they take the report if they have to, and then it ends there. This case was an exception, though, and the person was quickly arrested and may even have to serve prison time, as this was not his first offense. It's an unfortunate situation.

On a cheerier note, my birthday is coming up in a few days(on the 22nd), and to celebrate, Husband and I went out for a wonderful dinner last night. I love Italian food, and we went to one of our favorite restuarants, where both the food and service were excellent.

Oh! And both boys and our sweet granddaughter were able to visit this summer, and it was so good to see them. It had been quite a while, over a year, since I'd seen either one of the kids. And that's much too long.

Anyway, I guess that's probably enough news for now. Hope you all have been well.

Thanks for stopping by.

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