The Farm

Jan. 20, 2009 ~ Talking to the animals

I've always talked to animals. Haven't you? Doesn't everyone?

When I was a Weight Watchers group leader, I practiced the meeting subjects on the horses. They always seemed very interested, and appeared ready to commit to good health and taking care of themselves. Bucky, in particular, was an excellent listener.

Katy, our little border collie dog child, is also a great listener. When I got home from work tonight, I could hardly wait to share the news.

"Sweetheart, we have a new president. This is a great day for our country, a wonderful day."

She nodded wisely, seeming to understand. Normally she stays inside, and I always leave the TV on for her, turned down low. But today, because of tummy troubles, she had to spend the day outside. Poor baby. So she missed the inauguration.

"That's okay, girl. I didn't get to watch it, either. But I did record it. Maybe we can watch it later."


We miss Sophie. We look outside at night, or first thing in the morning, and see the space she used to fill. Her empty pen. Her water tub, unused, turned upside down.

The hunter did pay her entire vet bill, and has offered to buy us another horse. Husband wants another one. I'm not sure I'm ready quite yet. Maybe someday.

One thing that has really bothered me is this guilty feeling that has nagged and tugged at my heart. Sophie's owner gave her to us because he and his wife could no longer take care of her. He knew she would have a good home with us. And on our watch, she died. I saw him on Saturday, something I'd been dreading. I told him what had happened, and he never stopped smiling. The first thing he said was, "That could have happened anywhere, any time, to anyone. There was nothing you could have done." The second thing he said was, "Would you like to have another one?" And with that, a heavy weight was lifted. He didn't blame us, and he trusted us enough to have another little horse. I don't know if this one would be free, but maybe it wouldn't cost too much, and maybe the hunter will in fact pay for it. I expect he will. He's been nothing but honorable and kind.

But we miss our Sophie.

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