The Farm

May. 30, 2008 ~ Llama Land

Funny thing about working at a church. Animals just seem to show up at the door, one way or another. So it was not really a huge surprise recently, when a member came in offering to give away a number of his animals. They were in dire financial straits and needed desperately to downsize. But honestly, we have plenty of animals already, and the big ones, horses and cows and such, are fairly expensive to maintain. So I was not actually interested, and just smiled and continued working while my coworker carried on the conversation with the member. Eventually, though, Coworker mentioned that I had horses, and could probably use some more. I politely declined. But Member and his wife persisted, and told me all about their critters, and I got to thinking about it, and allowed as how MAYBE Husband would like to have one miniature horse. But just one. If they had a sweet one. Which they did.

And just as Member's wife was about to walk out the door, she mentioned their alpacas.

"Alpacas," I said. "Aren't those similar to llamas?"

She agreed that they were.

"Do you like llamas?" she asked.

"Uh, yes, I LOVE llamas. Llamas and otters. Do you have any otters?"

"No, but do you want a llama?"

"Do you HAVE a llama?" Not having much of a poker face, I'm told that my reaction was pretty comical.
"Priceless," they said.

They did have a llama, and now we have a llama and a miniature horse. They are Boudreau and Sophie, and oddly enough, are the same color.

Do I love our llama? Oh, trust me, I LOVE our llama. You have no idea. I swoon over him. Stare at him with a goofy smile. Go out to see him every morning and let him slobber all over my arm. This is his idea of socializing. He isn't particularly friendly and cannot be touched, but no matter. I don't require much from a llama. They pretty much just have to breathe and be cute.

In other news, Husband had knee surgery about a month ago. He was home for a couple of weeks, then two weeks of light duty, and this week he went back to his regular duties. He's stiff and sore but is glad to be back in the saddle again. He did not take to idleness. He feels much better than he did before the surgery.

And that's just about all the news that fits.

Thanks for stopping by.

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