The Farm

Jun. 16, 2007 ~ Plan B

Husband has been working a lot of long days and Saturdays recently, and had planned to take the weekend off. Instead, he has to work both Saturday and Sunday. We both pretty much "work" on Sundays at church, too, so even when he does have a Sunday off, he only has a few afternoon hours to relax or to do farm chores. In the summer, there isn't much time to relax. All this rain we've been having means the yard is growing fast and furious, and needs mowed often. The yard is a couple of acres, plus the long driveway, so mowing takes the better part of an afternoon. The pastures need bush-hogged (mowed), too, though Husband hasn't had time for that lately. The driveway fences need to be weed-eated, as do the fences around the yard, dog pen, chicken pen and horse pens. That's a real chore. Briers shoot up overnight, it seems. Wild roses and blackberry brambles, young thorny trees. All this in addition to regular weeds, make for a lot of back-breaking work.

We're also trying to get grass to grow in the places where it had died out. We dutifully sprinkled seed on bare spots, and then the rains came, and I expect the seed has washed into the ponds by now. Well, yes, there has been rather a lot of rain. It's all good, though. Maybe the fish can eat the grass seed. Or maybe it will grow wherever it washed. But now we are thinking of Plan B. Sod. Grass that's already grown, with roots and all. Planting sod is hard work, though, so it's really our last choice, but I guess we'll probably do it.

This morning I'd planned to sleep late while Husband worked, but instead I woke when he woke, at 5 a.m., and have been awake since. It was thundering even then, but when it got light enough, I'd planned to be one of the first customers at Wal-Mart. Beat the crowd. But the thunder came with lightning, and the lightning came with heavy rain, and the rain brought flash flooding, and no doubt water is over our road again, so... Plan B. Or maybe Plan C. I read for a long time, but finally got up and am now watching it rain, watching the grass grow, and wondering how to spend the day. No trips to the library or the store appear imminent. The house is clean, the laundry is done, and there isn't much food in the house to cook. So there will be no lazy morning spent making stew or soup or something in the crockpot. There is food - we aren't starving - it's just not the kind of food that requires much preparation. Frozen dinners and eggs.

Husband had the first blue-green eggs last night. Did I tell you about those? Our Ameraucana (or Americauna) hens lay blue-green eggs. They look blue to me; green to Husband. So last night he had green eggs and invisible ham. He said they tasted like regular eggs. Well, yes. One would expect them to. Still. Green eggs? The color affects only the shell, not the inside of the egg. Anyway, they are very pretty hens, and I still smile every time I see their eggs.

Last night, as I was about to go to sleep, it occurred to me that I had made a mistake in our church's Sunday bulletin. And it was something that would be read aloud, so aaackk! I remembered getting ready to correct it, and the phone ringing, and the caller needed something which required me taking a trip to another building. Did I make the correction? I don't remember! And such things drive me crazy. Normally I would go to the office and take a look, just so I'd know. I can't reprint it, even if I wanted to, because of the cost involved, but at least I would know one way or the other and could stop worrying about it. Now, logically, I know there's no reason to fret. I can't change it, so what does it matter? At worst, it's a typo, not the end of the world. Still. Me being me, I'd normally go take a look, but because of the flash flooding, that's not happening. It has already rained several inches this morning and the ground was saturated to begin with, and 2 to 3 inches of rain per hour are predicted. You see the situation.

Certainly not a major problem. Just a change of plans.

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