The Farm

Jan. 30, 2007 ~ Speaking out

In my former life as a weight loss group leader, I spoke in front of crowds and actually got used to it. As in, didn't feel like I was going to throw up. The first month or so was tough, but I adapted, and here is a tiny little secret, I thrived on the attention. The applause, smiles, and kindness of the groups made an otherwise difficult job worthwhile. Until I got burned out.


I was asked to speak in front of a group today. I'd had several days to prepare, and felt pretty confident about the subject matter. But after two years away from public speaking, it was REALLY HARD. My heart was racing, my stomach churned, and did I mention that I had trouble sleeping last night? Probably worry. But I lived through it, and tried to make the group laugh. Which they did, and it was fine. But I was so glad when it was over!

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