The Farm

Dec. 06, 2006 ~ Trucks

It looks like we are buying a truck. It is big and silver, and cute. Or handsome. It may be a boy truck, so it would probably not want to be referred to as "cute." Husband went by the dealership and drove it tonight, and he is in love. He gave them a check (with my blessing) to hold it for us for a couple of days. We'll probably get it Friday or Saturday. Scary stuff. I dread major purchases, and I don't like to drive new vehicles. Don't want to get that first ding or scratch. Anyway, there you go. I'm relieved. I hate looking at new cars! It's funny that this is the same vehicle the salesmen were so terribly desperate to sell us the other day. I told them then that we would probably buy it, just not that day. Why is that so difficult to accept? Fear of losing the commission, I guess. But I needed time to get used to the idea, and time to check everything out. Talked to the banker, insurance agent, and CPA. Got everything settled in my mind. Now I am comfortable. Sort of. On Saturday I was still in sticker shock, and just needed some time.

Acck! We are getting a new truck! Breathe, just breathe. Okay, I'm calm again.

Today would have been my mother's 79th birthday. She died at age 64; my dad died at 65. One grandparent died in her early thirties, one in his twenties, one in his mid-fifties, and one lived to be 72. My brother and two of our four cousins died before age 50. So I don't really expect to live long enough to retire, but hope to be pleasantly surprised.

I wish my mom was still here to celebrate her birthday, and so many other things. I wish I could call her on the phone. I wish, I wish. Does anyone ever get used to the idea of their mom being gone? I never have.

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