The Farm

Nov. 18, 2006 ~ Ending it

We had to put the cow down tonight. Husband put it off as long as he could, getting all the other cows out of the pasture first, feeding the other animals. In the end, it was over quickly, and she isn't suffering anymore. Poor baby.

But we are NOT getting any buffalo. Although I may have accidentally petted a couple of them today. We are especially not getting the mama or baby buffalo, even though they are cute, in that ugly buffalo sort of way. They did walk all the way over from the other side of their pen to come see me. And the bull stuck his nose through the fence to sniff me. But we are definitely, absolutely, one hundred percent, not getting them. I mean it. Forget it. Nope.

I may go visit them again, though. They are at the feed store, after all, and it's not like it's any trouble to stop by their pen and say hello. That's just being neighborly, right?

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