The Farm

Oct. 21, 2006 ~ It's that time again

Its festival time! Whoo hoo! Some of the locals love this time of year, and take part in all the activities. Others take the opportunity to close up shop and get out of Dodge till it's over. Our little town swells from a population of less than 5,000 to a total of 100,000 over several days. Some folks look at it as a homecoming time, and see it as a chance to catch up with their old friends. Me, I just try to avoid it as much as possible, and look forward to it being over. "Over" is tomorrow.

During the festival week there is a quilt show where I work. We have no connection to the quilt show, other than providing them space (at no charge). During this time, the staff gets almost no work done. We are essentially babysitting the building. "It's only once a year," I tell myself. And thank goodness for that!


Husband hurt his leg at work last week. It's "only a few cuts," he's fond of telling me. But it was an on-the-job injury, so he went to the clinic of his company's choice. They cleaned up the wounds and put in a few stitches, but did not give him prescriptions for antibiotics or pain medicine. Husband hobbles around and is back at work now. But his leg swells painfully by the end of the day, and it looks somewhat red to me. I worry about infection, among other things. Husband assures me it will be fine. I think he needs to be on antibiotics, and that he needs to go back to the clinic for them to take a look at his leg. This reminds me of when our friend Earl was in an accident and I took care of his leg injuries. It looked the same way, and the medical folks said it would be fine. But Earl's leg never healed properly, and it hurt him till the day he died.

Tomorrow is Sunday and maybe Husband can take it easy. It might do him good to rest and keep his leg elevated.

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