The Farm

Oct. 14, 2006 ~ Misery

A friend wrote a blog entry about an audio book she disliked, but the title caught my attention. "Miss Misery" may be the name of the book, but it's also an apt description of a former coworker. Her last day was yesterday. I wanted to like her, because I want to like everyone. And I didn't DIS-like her, absolutely not. But have you ever known anyone who just carried a dark cloud with them wherever they went? Who was ALWAYS unhappy, and angry, AND emotional, and felt mistreated and abused? Who always thought the worst of everyone?

Miss Misery the coworker rarely spoke without ranting and complaining. I soon learned not to ask "How are you?" because that was always a mistake. Sometimes I gave in and asked, because I knew she was lonely. She had no one to talk to. She did go on, though.

Husband asked why I even listened to her, why I tried to be nice to her, and I had to admit that part of it was fear. She had such ugly things to say about everybody else that I didn't want her talking about me!

When she was on vacation it was as if a burden was lifted. We all breathed a little easier. And when she returned, she was calmer, more relaxed and pleasant for a few days. But then it was Miss Misery again.

It is poisonous to the spirit to work with someone so... bitter and negative. She is not the first. She may not be the last. But for now I feel a small measure of relief.

I can't say that I will miss...

Miss Misery

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