The Farm

Oct. 05, 2006 ~ Little Sister

Husband calls her Precious; I call her Little Sister. He and I see two very different animals when we look at her. He sees a calf who is getting better, growing stronger and more alert every day. I see an animal who is probably not going to pull through.

I had not seen her since Sunday. She is some distance away, in the woods. Husband had promising news every day, though. Today I went with him to check on her, and I almost expected her to be walking, or nearly so. I looked at the calf, then looked at Husband.

"She's dehydrated," I said. "She's lost weight since I saw her, Hon. Look at her hips, how bony she is."

"She looked like that from the start," he replied.


And maybe she did. Poor girl.

It's not a question of one person being right or wrong; it's just that we see different things when we look at her. So I don't know what to think.

But my friend Terri had this to say, "I guess there have been times when all of us needed someone to stand us up and put our legs under us hoping we would stand on our own."

I want that to be true for Little Sister.

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