The Farm

Jul. 01, 2006 ~ She's back

The internet is a funny thing. It brings people together who might otherwise never know of each other's existence. Especially this business of journaling.

She started keeping an online journal not long after I did. She is a "homemaker" in the truest sense, in that she works hard to make her house a home. I was impressed (and a little envious) when she wrote of the baking and cooking she had done, and the things she did to truly care for her family. The more I read, the more it affected me. People write about all sorts of things, their jobs, their families, their secret wishes and dreams, but her writing always left me thinking and wondering. Which is good.

She has a quiet grace about her, and an incredible abundance of talents. She has experienced sadness, as have we all, but she has used those experiences, in her own way, to help others.

She is modest, this I know for sure. I don't recall her ever responding to my many compliments, given over the years. Maybe she thinks everybody can do the things she does, but I assure you, they cannot.

I looked forward to the little glimpses into her daily life... as I would the opportunities to chat with a friend seen unexpectedly, at the grocery store or at Sunday services. But as sometimes happens, she took a few months off from writing. Life got busy. I missed reading her entries, even the small ones. Reading someone's journal gives you the feeling of knowing them, a feeling of closeness which may or may not be real. Other online journalers have simply disappeared from view, without explanation or comment. One just stopped writing, and eventually her entries and then her entire journal site were gone. It's a little like having a friend or neighbor move during the night. You wake up and they're just not there anymore. You have to assume that you weren't as close as you thought you were, if they can just leave without a word. But I digress. That's a whole different story.

She is back, and I am glad.

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