The Farm

Apr. 19, 2005 ~ On the floor

When our pets are very ill, near death, I always wind up on the floor or in the yard with them. Lying beside them, stroking their fur, talking softly. Last night I got down on the floor beside Pepper. He's in a bad way. What is so sad is that just this past Friday he was feeling good and seemed so happy and content. Things changed quickly. Dr. Susan thinks there is still a chance he might make it through this, and I hope that is the case. But our little guy feels so bad. It is hard to watch him suffer. Tomorrow he's going back to Dr. Susan for treatment or more tests or maybe just pain relief. I don't exactly know. I feel guilty because he has been meowing louder and more often than usual, and now I know that it was because he was in pain. And I didn't catch on soon enough. Would it have made a difference? It's hard to say.

But I am cutting this short, because tonight I need to spend time with Pepper... on the floor.

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