The Farm

Nov. 04, 2004 ~ Election results

My friend (running for congress in Texas) did not win. I'm truly sorry, as he has held this office several times before and did an admirable job. Redistricting did him in. The other fellow I was acquainted with (running for US Congress), I'm sorry to say, DID win. Because of how he conducted himself during the election, I do not hold him in high regard. Politics is just plain ugly. It is.

Someone called me on the day after the election, to point out that my candidate had lost. As if, perhaps, I had not bothered to read a newspaper or watch TV, or listen to the radio. How kind of him to want to be sure I was well-informed. Gloating had nothing to do with it, of course.

(This paragraph was deleted because I said something really silly here. sigh. My apologies.)

And on a cheerier note, I am still feeling much better. What a welcome change! After a year and a half of almost constant pain and progressive weakness, it feels like a small miracle to be able to do things again. I'm still cleaning the house, washing windows, mowing the yard, pulling weeds, and cleaning the horses' stall. Tomorrow, I might even make a pie for our church's chili supper. A month ago, this would have been impossible, as I was unable to do the necessary stirring. Perhaps I didn't mention this, but there were times I couldn't cut up my own food. It is hard to remain cheerful in those circumstances. I wasn't always up to the task, and there were many dark, sad days. It was as if I'd physically aged a good twenty years overnight. And almost as suddenly, it's as if the hands of time have been turned back. Poof, just like that.

Have you seen the movie "Awakenings"? It's based on a true story (if I remember correctly), about the amazing recovery of patients treated with a new drug. It was wonderful to see these patients come alive again, to do so well and be so happy. But the recovery was temporary, and eventually they returned to their previous conditions. Sad.

Every morning I wake up and check myself out, hoping that the new drug is still working, that it hasn't worn off, that I'm still okay. Because I'm a little bit afraid that it won't last. There doesn't seem to be a guarantee. It was a last-ditch effort, trying this medication. No one really expected it to help. Not the doctor, and certainly not me. But for however long it lasts, I'm grateful for the improvement.

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