The Farm

Oct. 13, 2004 ~ Time flies

Hey, it's been awhile. How've you been? I've missed you! Yes, you, the readers... I've missed you, and missed writing. The good news is that this past week or so I've felt better than I have in a long, long time. Is it safe to even say that? Is that bad luck? I started taking a couple of new medicines in recent weeks, and one or the other (perhaps both) appears to be having a good effect. I feel more hopeful, stronger, and am in less pain.

I feel calmer, and didn't even know that I wasn't calm before. My memory is a little better. It has been months since I've been able to lift even a gallon of milk (weighing 8 pounds). You can imagine how inconvenient that must have been. But now I CAN lift that (carefully) and more... today I carried a fourteen pound box of cat litter! Whoo hoo! That probably doesn't sound very exciting to you, but these things mean a lot when you have had to depend on others to do them. And I can vacuum again! Up until recently, vacuuming caused painful muscle spasms in my back which could send me to bed for days. Vacuuming is probably not at the top of your list of fun things to do, and it's not my favorite activity, either. But I do like a clean house, and am so grateful to be able to contribute more to its upkeep. When I became unable to do many of my usual house and farm chores, it fell to Husband to do them. And there are only so many hours in a day. One person can't do the work of two for very long, without becoming totally exhausted. Also, Husband has had his share of injuries, which affected his ability to do some things, so they just didn't get done as often, if at all. So it is very good indeed for me to be able to do more!

I go to bed looking forward to the next day, and get up in the morning ready to get busy, glad to be getting things done again. There are still aches and pains and plenty of room for improvement, but what a relief to see some light at the end of the tunnel.

Maybe I have fibromyalgia, but it doesn't have me.

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