The Farm

Sept. 15, 2004 ~ Blessings

Last night Husband came inside and said, "Are your shoes on? Get your shoes on and come out here, there's something you need to see."

"Am I going to like it?"

No comment.

"Is it dead?"

(Don't ask where that came from; I'm just weird.)

"Just come and look in the dog's pen."

"Dead or alive?"

No comment.

And this is what I saw...

And from a slightly different angle...

There are several trees just the other side of the dog's pen, and a few years back, one of those trees was struck by lightning. We thought it hardly damaged it at all, but lightning can be pretty tricky. The top of that tree broke and fell off, landing on the gate. You can tell it was a gate, right? Well, here's where the blessing comes in.

Usually, I let the cows into the hay meadow each morning, and they go through that gate which is now smushed. I close that same gate a different way and let Dakotah and Sugar into a different pasture. The cows like to stand right by the gate because it's in the shade. For some reason, though, I left the moo-faces in the back pasture yesterday. So under ordinary circumstances, the cows might have been standing there right beneath the tree when it fell, and instead of a smushed gate, we would have had smushed cows. Or flat horses! Instead, we found both horses in Sugar's stall. They were looking... concerned. Startled. Not entirely pleased. But they were not flat. I guess they'd come up to get some water and were loitering in the pen when the tree fell, and they couldn't go back the way they came.

Anyway, Husband got out the trusty chain saw and chopped it up and threw the mess out of the way. He rigged up a temporary gate till we can buy a new one this weekend.

It's always something!

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