The Farm

Jul. 08, 2004 ~ Laughing

Well, sometimes you just have to laugh. They decided that it was a meteor SHOWER last night, not a single meteor. Okey dokey. There were reports of light so bright you could read by it, and I've never seen a meteor that bright, but sure, whatever. I'll buy it.

Husband and our friend thought they'd try to haul more hay tonight. This is a time-consuming process, as the trailer holds three large bales, and it takes about an hour, round trip, if they hustle. Husband accidentally locked his keys in our truck, when it was in the pasture, trailer loaded with hay. Ha ha ha ha ha! Very, very funny. Our friend gave him a ride over here, he got my keys, and off they went. I wonder if someone is trying to tell us something, that maybe we shouldn't be getting this hay at all? Probably not.

It's been a pretty funny week. At the meeting of our local civic club, two caterers showed up by mistake. One had to leave, after he'd already brought all his stuff in. The air conditioning wasn't working. I was dressed in a suit, in Texas, about noon. Blech. The ice machine wasn't working, either. I don't know where they finally got some ice; it just magically appeared. All minor stuff, in the grand scheme of things. While I was running around trying to solve these little problems, a couple of the guys started laughing, big time, and I gave them both the dirtiest looks I could muster, and said, "It's NOT funny." They tried to stop laughing, but they couldn't. If looks could kill... those two would have been dead and buried. Try conducting a meeting when everyone is dripping with sweat. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's just not fun. Actually, something similar happened the night before.

Do you think the meteor shower has something to do with everything being so crazy lately?

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