The Farm

Dec. 06, 2003 ~ Saturday

Last night Husband hauled three calves to auction, and their mothers were not pleased. Sophie Mae mooed all night long. The auction actually took place today, Saturday, but sometimes we take animals there the night before, so we will have more time to do things on Saturday. Husband decided to make a trip to see his mom today. He also decided to take her Christmas gifts, which meant we got up early, went to the store and bought them. So he is in Oklahoma now, and has probably already visited her. He had a few more errands to run while he was there, and then he was going to head home. He should be back in a couple of hours.

Our sister-in-law is not doing well. Her lung cancer is spreading despite the chemo, and every time she has a round of chemo, she winds up in the hospital with pneumonia. The treatment was supposed to buy a little more time, but at this point she is not so sure it's worth it. She and Husband's brother have been together forever, since they were kids, and... he is having a hard time with this. He has always been so positive and hopeful, and now he is at the very frightening point of understanding that she might not get better. That she probably won't get well. And they will probably not be going back home in the spring. Those are difficult words to write. I remember having to tell my stepfather that my mother was not going to make it, seeing the look on his face; "stricken," I guess you'd say. It was the first time I'd ever seen him cry. Today would have been her 76th birthday. Well.

Let's see... surely there's something more cheerful to write about. College Boy's days at our local college are winding down. Two more finals next week, one more week of employment at school, and then he's done. He has pretty much decided to move to Husband's cousin's place, where he will rent a little garage apartment. I say "little," but it's huge compared to a dorm room, and he thinks he will be happier in the apartment. I think so, too. He is both excited and a little nervous about moving. Husband and I feel the same way. Goodness, is this what they call an empty nest? Nearly? Our little bird is poised right on the edge, ready to soar.

Yesterday I tried on shoes. And tried on shoes. And tried on more shoes. I felt so sorry for the young lady waiting on me, who was really trying very hard to help. I have trouble finding shoes that fit. Apparently, my feet are wide in the toe area and narrow in the heel, which means that if they are wide enough in the toe area, they are so loose elsewhere that I literally step out of them when I walk. Don't most shoe salespeople work on commission? That's why I so seldom shop, because I hate to waste their time. I do better at places where you can help yourself, where you can pick up the boxes of shoes, try them on, and not feel guilty for leaving without buying anything. Oh, I didn't go away empty-handed yesterday. I bought a pair of socks. Very expensive socks. Someday I hope to find a comfortable pair of shoes.

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