The Farm

Nov. 25, 2003 ~ Calves

Two cows had babies today. One calf lived; the other did not. From our kitchen window, using binoculars, I watched the one calf being born. Husband went to check on it and found the other mama and the dead little one. It was already cold. Husband had to take it away, or else the cow would have stayed right there with it for days. She would not even have left to eat. This happened once before, and the cow was so sad that I just couldn't stand it, so Soldier Boy (before he was a soldier) and I went to a nearby dairy and bought a calf for the cow to raise. Getting the mama to take to the baby was a bit of a challenge, and I wouldn't do it again. But it is hard to hear that cow mooing tonight, knowing why she is crying out.

Amanda Jane had a calf last week, a little heifer. So with Suzy's twins, we have four little tiny ones now. But I can't help wishing there were five.

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