The Farm

Oct. 18, 2003 ~ It's a beautiful day

Years ago there was a band by that name, "It's a Beautiful Day," and I always remember it when I say those words. Today truly was gorgeous, a perfect fall day. Husband wanted to show me some work he had done in the woods, so we walked there instead of on the road, and it was wonderful. The air just smells fresher and cleaner in the woods, even though the road is not far away. Maybe it's in my mind, maybe not. We had a happy surprise today, finding all sorts of baby pine trees. We had to have the place logged, a few years back, when insects attacked our pines. We probably would have lost them all anyway, had we not done so. Mostly just the pines were cut, but some of the hardwoods were destroyed or damaged by the logging process. As I said, that was a few years ago, and only a handful of pines was left standing, so we certainly did not expect to see any newcomers here, so long after the fact. Seems the seeds must have blown here from the trees next door. They are tiny little things, most just a few inches tall, but I did find one taller than me, which makes it a good six feet high. That one's mine, all mine! We took turns "claiming" the various trees we discovered. Husband tried to hog all the good ones; I did, too. When I chanced across a straight, healthy-looking specimin, why, that one was mine, of course. If it was stunted and twisted, I quickly gave it to Husband.

"This one's yours," I said.

"Thanks a LOT!"

Hey, he did the same for me. It's a game we play. Always have.

He bush-hogged in the woods until the bush-hog broke, and he took that as a sign to quit. Good thing. Otherwise it would have meant a long drive to a hardware store to find the needed bolt, and the day was much too pretty for such a thing. It looks nice where he has mowed. Back when the place was logged, I planted rye seed (by hand) in some of the roughest areas of the woods, and that grass tends to come back every year, though it's not supposed to. Bet it will, now that the tall weeds have been cleared.

Hope it was pretty where you are, too.

Happy Sunday!

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