The Farm

Jun. 09, 2003 ~ A better day

Figured it would be! Everything still hurts, same as yesterday, but I have a better attitude about it. And it's all about attitude.

I was so inspired by my longish walk yesterday that I tried it again today, and managed okay. Even went a little bit farther than last night. Stopped to talk to another neighbor, who explained that he tamed his new bull by feeding him bananas. Bananas? I guess cows are much like humans; they have a sweet tooth. We have two pear trees in our hay meadow. Those trees produce hard pears, which are too hard for eating and don't even seem to soften up when cooked. But the cows and horses absolutely love them, along with any other fruit they can find. They'll eat peaches and plums, and spit out the pits. They even eat unripe persimmons, and I know those are terribly sour! Suzy, our sweet, sweet cow, will happily eat one of those persimmons even though it makes her drool afterwards.

Husband had the cows in the hay meadow yesterday and must have forgotten to close the gate. When he turned the horses out into their little pasture today, they went through the open gate and happily munched in the hay meadow instead. Stinkers. Horses can get sick from a sudden change in diet, and going from a pasture with very little grass to one with lush, tall grass... qualifies as a sudden change. So when they came racing up to the pen to drink from their water tub along about lunchtime, I went out and closed the hay meadow gate. Dakotah looked highly offended, but I just gave him my best horse mom look. You know the one. "This is for your own good!" That one.

Are you ready for our exciting news? We got an eamil from Soldier Boy this morning! I was absolutely thrilled! His note was short but sweet, and he's doing just fine. He might be able to come home in the next month or two. "Home" being the United States, not here in our home. That would come sometime later. Soon, I hope. I just hate to think of him in the desert during the summertime. And there are bitey THINGS over there. Scorpions, spiders, some of the world's deadliest snakes. And there's the bad guy factor, which I try not to think about. Or the land mines. Never mind. He's done fine so far, and I expect he will continue to do fine. He will come home, safe and sound, and will be here before we know it!

How's that for positive thinking? Hey, it sounds good to me!

Another little cheerful thing... I saw a lone deer-o running in the back pasture a little while ago, when I was outside closing the gate. I watched as the doe bounded gracefully across the field, running from one edge of the woods to the other, and then disappeared from my sight. Such a pretty thing.

And now I need to get ready for work.

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