The Farm

Apr. 21, 2003 ~ Losing it

(For all who have asked... Soldier Boy's stay in Afghanistan has been extended indefinitely.)

Who knew it was possible to forget how to speak? Seems that when one has had laryngitis or other throat/voice problems for a long time, a person starts speaking differently, in an effort to reduce the pain. Eventually we talk that way all that time, and that NEW way, in itself, is painful and causes problems. They think this is partly what's going on with me. Partly allergies. And the weirdest thing of all... partly acid reflux, into the throat. So it's all pretty much of a mess. The reflux makes me cough and clear my throat, which makes my throat hurt, which makes me clear my throat some more... you get the idea. Round and round we go. And I may have some kind of virus or other stuff, too. Sheesh! Always something. Could be worse, though.

We haven't heard from Soldier Boy in a while now, though we're sure he's doing fine. Our theory is that if soemthing was really wrong, the Army would let us know. It hasn't been that long since the last letter... maybe two weeks or so, but it feels like forever. Well, our boys have a lot to do there in the desert. They are BUSY. When they aren't working, it's okay with me if they just rest and relax, and don't do one thing. Maybe they can't think of much to say. It's hard for them; they can't talk about their jobs or their surroundings. So I do understand.

I miss our boy, though. Hope he finds time to write soon, even if it's only a couple of lines scrawled on a card.

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