The Farm

Mar. 27, 2003 ~ Even more raccoons

They're small, furry, are cuter than all get-out, have tiny little brains, and they seem to be winning. We now have three hens and one rooster, plus two ducks. We did have two roosters, a guinea and six hens, plus two ducks. So things are not looking good in the chicken and guinea department. The ducks seem to be holding their own, though.

We've tried shooting the coons, and last night we tried setting a trap for them. It didn't work out so well. You might have heard that raccoons are smart. You heard right. Husband is beginning to suspect that possums are also killing our birds. This is not good news for possums.

Tonight a youngish, teenage-looking possum was prowling around on the back porch, hoping for leftover cat food. Husband had said he might have to start "getting rid" of them, too. You can guess what that means. He's not sending them to a health spa. I told Husband that a little possum was here. He wasn't going to shoot it, was he? It was a little one, surely not mean, and just look at his eyes... was that the face of a chicken-killer? Husband hesitated. Started toward the gun and stopped. I opened the door a crack and told the possum, "Run for your life, run! Daddy's going for the gun!" To my surprise, he ran.

Seeing Husband by my side, I said, "Oh, DARN! He got away." Uh, huh.

"He probably wouldn't have hurt anything, anyway. He's just a baby. Now that big possum... that's another story."

Who knows.

Me, I just hope we still have chickens in the morning.

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