The Farm

Mar. 19, 2003 ~ Ribbons

I must be the weirdest person on earth, because for the second night in a row, I have actually forgotten, at least on some level, about the impending war. I've tossed and turned both nights, courtesy of middle-age aches and pains, but did not think about the world situation until I was fully awake. Or maybe, and this is more likely, the aches and such have increased in response to what's happening. The mind may try to ignore something, but the body doesn't forget. Many conditions are made worse by stress, and physically, I've been having a tough time in recent weeks. Months. Maybe it's nature's way of compensating... giving us something else to concentrate on, when everyday life ceases to be "everyday."

I woke up too early, covered with one of the cat's afghans, with Misha snuggled up next to me. My mom worked hard at crocheting those afghans, all those years ago, and all three of them have been taken over by the cats. Sometimes they let us borrow them, if we ask nicely, but they never let them out of their sight, lest we forget who truly owns them.

The sun rose in a clear blue sky, oblivious to what men are planning here and elsewhere. Sometimes I love cloudy days, when they suit my mood. Other times, especially if I'm already feeling sad, gray skies tend to bring out the worst in me. So pretty days are very much appreciated at times like this. It almost seems unreal, that the world can go right on spinning, the sun and moon rising and setting just like clockwork. Birds sing, flowers bloom, winds gently blow, and the hens are laying eggs again. It all seems so... regular.

Our little town is going to have a spelling bee tomorrow, as a fundraiser for our local literacy program. I helped set things up today, and will go back again tomorrow. The director purchased boxes full of big pastel-colored ribbons to use as decorations. I have my eye on two of the pretty yellow ones. I'm thinking of tying them to the oak trees near our mail box. Or should I wait till Soldier Boy comes home, and put ribbons up then? I realize that the "yellow ribbon" idea is connected to a song about a man being released from prison, but it just seems like something I'd like to do. And I did a Google search and found... big surprise... many links about prisoners being released, but then there was a story here by someone who had a similar idea, so I guess I'm not completely out of it.

Anyway. It was good to keep busy. I feel much better, mentally and physically, when given something useful to do. There is plenty to do here, around the house or on the farm, but I keep trying to do ten things at once, and getting none of them done. Starting and stopping, not accomplishing much at all. Far better for someone to give me a task, preferably something mindless, and point me in the right direction.

The auction check (from the sale of the calves) arrived in today's mail, so I think I'll run that up to the bank, and then maybe I'll head to the store for some ribbon. Don't laugh. Putting up a riboon or two will make me feel better. And I'll buy one for Susan, and maybe one or two other folks, and who knows...

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