The Farm

Feb. 21, 2003 ~ Six weeks?

On "The Bachelorette" or "The Bachelor" shows, the idea is that these people are supposed to spend time together for six weeks, and at the end of that time, possibly choose someone to marry. Only none of the couples from the first three series have gotten married yet. The reason is obvious. You can't possibly get to know someone in six weeks. I mean, how crazy is that?

It takes eight weeks.

Or it did for me.

Husband and I met and were married eight weeks later. It was admittedly a crazy thing to do. We were nothing alike. We couldn't have been more different if we tried. No way could it last. And I would certainly never, ever recommend this to anyone I know. It goes against all logic. It's not even sensible.

But we're still going strong. Nearly twenty-three years later, I can only say...

Looks like it's going to last.

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