The Farm

Feb. 12, 2003 ~ Still here

Is this the day we might get attacked, or is it tomorrow? I'm not being silly; I just don't remember. I guess if it does happen and the world as we know it comes to an end, then I won't have to worry about my annual checkup in two weeks.

I'm not unconcerned, and I'm not stupid. I don't want to get bombed or shot or bio-attacked or anything else. I just don't know what I can do to prevent it, and I couldn't possibly sit indoors and fret, so it looks like it's business as usual. Most of us probably feel much the same way. After September 11th, for a while I didn't bother to put on moisturizer (with sunscreen) in the mornings. Sunscreen is something you use for the long term, to minimize problems down the road, and I didn't really think we had much of a future. But after a few days of that "Why bother?" attitude, I decided it was no way to live. I made a conscious decision to try to act as normal as possible. That meant making the beds and using sunscreen, going shopping and everything else.

I was at the store today, buying stuff for a package for Soldier Boy, and I did break down and buy 3 gallons of water. And a little box of individual bottles of water. Felt a bit ridiculous doing that, but hoped that the small quantities allowed me to escape notice. The purchase was justified by the fact that they are doing a lot of digging alongside my road, and I suspect they are going to do some utility work of some sort. Our water goes out on a fairly regular basis, and we do try to keep a few gallons on hand, just in case. But admittedly, that's not what I ws thinking, when I bought the water. It was more along the lines of "Oh, okay, fine. I'll get this water. But that's ALL. No batteries, no radio, and no duct tape." My one small concession to paranoia. I still don't think it will matter much.

Bonnie, of The Chattering, mentioned that Good Morning America did a spot about how to tape up a single room in our homes. So I was wrong about taping the whole house! But in my humble opinion, at least in our particular house, I'm not sure it would make much difference. And what would be waiting for us when we left our little taped-up room at the end of three days? Wouldn't the hazards still exist? So I'm going to try not to give it much more thought. Now, if they would just quit talking about it on TV, in the papers, and everywhere else. And, um, I will try to hush up about it here, too.

Spring has come early to East Texas. The tulip trees are budding out, as are the pear trees and many others. Some of the daffodils alongside the driveway are already in bloom, and soon it will be a blaze of yellow. It's 70 degrees. It's also February. Does this happen every February, and I just don't remember? Last week it was freezing cold; this week we're in shorts and T-shirts.

We got another little email from Soldier Boy last night. My heart is singing!

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