The Farm

Jan. 17, 2003 ~ Baby, it's cold

out there. It only got down to the twenties last night, but that was plenty cold for us. You who live in Canada and other places where it gets REALLY cold, why, you might even think it was shirt-sleeve weather! But I have a hard time with these temperatures, for various reasons.

Last night when I came home from a meeting, the temperature had already dropped. The wind was howling, and it was downright miserable outside. But I've always been able to handle these little inconveniences, because they're temporary. You come inside, you warm up, you have some nice hot chocolate, and all is well, right? That's the way it's supposed to work, but things don't always turn out like you plan. Apparently, the brief walk from the truck to the house, going back and forth a couple of times while I brought in supplies, was enough to chill my feet. Those girly heels don't offer much protection. I have a nerve problem called neuropathy... not a nervous condition, but an issue concerning the physical nerves themselves. It has gotten progressively worse, over time. I hadn't really been bothered by cold before, but last night... I guess that's what set off the pain. It was a miserable night.

There are medicines I can take, both for short and long term pain relief, but I don't want to go down that road until absolutely necessary. The medications are here in the house, though, if needed. It's a comfort just knowing they are there.

Today, thank goodness, is much better. I bundled up good before going outside. Two pairs of socks, two pairs of gloves, two shirts, long underwear, a scarf and a cap. All in hopes of avoiding a repeat of last night. Apparently it worked.

The kitties were sure glad to see me. We had a package of lunch meat, ham, which was just past its expiration date. Only a day or two, and I thought the cats would appreciate a treat. So I chopped it up and took it outside, dividing it up among 11 bowls, and everyone was very excited! The shy ones were braver than usual, and there was much meowing and squeaking until all the bowls were tended.

There's wood in the stove now and plenty of homemade soup in the fridge. Hot chocolate and settling in with a good book may be in my immediate future, too. All in all, a perfect way to spend the day.

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