The Farm

Jan. 16, 2003 ~ Wind and cold

It's a booger out there today. Don't even want to know the wind chill factor, because that would just make it seem worse. Officially, the wind is only blowing 26 to 33 miles per hour, but that's enough... more than enough. The barn door had been propped open by the rim of an old wagon wheel, but the wind slammed it shut with sufficient force to bend the latch beyond my ability to repair it. Pliers wouldn't fix it. Maybe a crowbar? And someone stronger than me. While the door was open, a large stack of feed sacks filled with baling wire was blown all over the barn. Twice. The wind was such that I had trouble getting OUT of that closed door. Shoot. Days like this, parts of the barn roof sometimes blow off, and I don't even want to think about the trees. Limbs fall on the fences, or entire trees are uprooted. There's a big one down in the pasture now, victim of a recent storm.

It was so miserably cold that I just got dressed and went out early today, on the theory that putting it off wasn't going to make it any easier. Sometimes, the longer you wait, the harder it is to do a thing, and that "thing" takes on far more importance than it deserves. Sure didn't want to get up this morning. College Boy was up before dawn to leave for work, and he woke me to help him find his phone. Grumble, grumble. In the end he found it himself.

We have one faucet coming directly out of an exterior wall, and it was covered with a styrofoam bubble-type apparatus. It hooked onto the faucet, snugged up to the wall, and hopefully provided insulation for the pipe. It's worked so far. But somehow it blew away! So I'll have to go find another one today, and it's a little late in the season for such items to be sold. Hope one turns up.

The barn cats were given an extra portion of food this morning, and they seemed to appreciate it. I love to see them all milling around together, noses and tails and soft furry paws, all that cuteness in one place.

Well, a friend just called and asked me to meet her for lunch, so I'd best get ready. I'd planned on making taco soup, but that sounds like a good thing to make for dinner instead.

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