The Farm

Jan. 13, 2003 ~ Finding my voice

After 24 days of struggling to speak above a whisper, and sometimes not speaking at all, my voice is returning. Whew!

Dakotah Bear is no longer limping, and is on the smallest possible dose of anti-inflammatories. I skipped the soak this morning, hoping that five days would be sufficient. Currently waiting on a call from the vet to be sure about that. The swollen leg has just about returned to normal, and we are greatly relieved.

Misha is about the same; he actually seems to be feeling good, these days.

My M-I-L had been doing better, but is now just sleeping a lot.

College Boy returned to full-time classes today, and a greatly improved work schedule. He has to be there early in the morning instead of staying late at night. Though he is not exactly a morning person, he said he prefers these hours. Staying late, and all that driving back and forth, was wearing him out.

It SNOWED here yesterday. I can count on my fingers the number of times I've seen snow in my lifetime. When it happens, people usually run outside with their camcorders and cameras, recording the event, because they want tangible proof to show their grandkids someday. "Yes, Sonny, it really DID snow back in 2003." We are only talking an inch or two, possibly three, but it was enough to blanket the ground and make things look just lovely. Thankfully there was no more snow during the night, and the roads didn't ice over. The roads, I think, were fine today. College Boy made it to school okay, Husband didn't call with news of any trouble, so I'm sure all is well. And the white stuff is just about all melted now.

Kind of a catch-up entry, wouldn't you say? Some days are like that.

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