The Farm

Dec. 22, 2002 ~ Wrecks

Yesterday we were emotional wrecks. I am usually calm in a crisis, but it seems there are exceptions. I'm going to have to word harder at remaining calm and staying positive, though, because it looks like there is a rough road ahead for us, in more ways than one. Two family members are now in the hospital, in different cities. In different states, actually. Husband and College Boy are on their way out of state, and I wish I could be driving to the other city, but here I sit. Not quite admitting to being sick, but owning up to being contagious. Please don't argue with me on this point. My brain is much too fuzzy.

Last night's coughing kept the whole family awake (sorry, guys); I do not think anyone slept a wink. I sure hate that they are driving now, but it's one of those situations where you hate not to go.

Several friends have written beautiful letters to Soldier Boy... and I can't begin to tell you how this warms my heart. Where they found the words, I'll never know. But I feel less alone in my worry; I feel supported. And I know he will, too. I am so afraid for him, so afraid. We spend most of our lives protecting our children, and now he's in a position where I can do absolutely nothing to protect him. Well, pray for him, I can do that. I believe in the power of prayer. And I believe in angels.

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