The Farm

Dec. 19, 2002 ~ Finally

got the last of the cards mailed out today! Many of them will make it on time, some won't, and that's okay. I doubt the world will end.

I am battling laryngitis. This would not be a problem, if not for the fact that I must do a lot of public speaking in my job. Seems like I had this same problem at this time last year, and I learned a few tricks. Ask people to move closer to the front of the room. When they realize I can't talk loudly, they get quieter themselves, and make more of an effort to listen. They also do more talking, which helps. I do have a microphone, which I hate to use, but it's very helpful in this situation.

Someone I barely know called this morning, asking if Soldier Boy would be home for Christmas. And he wanted to know exactly what unit he was in. I'm guessing he wanted that information for... when he listened to the news.

It's funny, how old habits are hard to break, like the little things we always have on holidays. Each of us have our individual preferences. Yesterday at the grocery store, I automatically reached for Soldier Boy's favorite. Caught myself, though. Didn't put it in the cart. And just this morning I noticed that one of the blinds in the guest bedroom was bent back just a little, from when Soldier Boy was here in October. He must have peeked out at the day. That doesn't have anything to do with habits, does it? I guess it just has to do with my son.

Wish he were here. But he isn't. So I wish we would hear from him.

And if wishes were horses...

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