The Farm

Dec. 11, 2002 ~ Nobody wants a possum

in the barn. But when I went in there tonight, preparing to feed the horses, Mr. Possum was chomping away on the cat food. No way was I going to turn my back on that critter, so I had to make noise and wait for him to scat before I could get to the horses' feed. No wonder we spend a small fortune on cat food... we're feeding all the neighborhood wildlife.

There were some interesting tracks in the mud today. Distorted by the deep mud, so I don't know what they were, but interesting just the same.

You should see our older horse, Sugar, eat her food. Max Cat and one of the roosters help her. The three of them, right there together, chow down on the Equine Senior. That's kind of a Purina horse chow for older horses. I guess if she was really opposed to sharing, she would chase the cat and the rooster away, but they seem to peacefully coexist.

Husband is running late tonight, and my truck is filled to overflowing with sacks of feed, so I won't be going to choir practice this evening. Just as well. Sometimes it's good to have a night off. Husband will be home eventually and will get the truck unloaded later.

This war talk is upsetting. Nuke 'em? For real? Seriously? I'm speechless.

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