The Farm

Dec. 08, 2002 ~ Girly day

Husband had to work again today. Boy, this is going to make for a long, long week. When he has to work both weekend days, it's as if the week becomes, well... 12 days long. Because that's more or less what it is. Knowing he wouldn't be going to church, I was sorely tempted to stay home this morning. In part this had something to do with the fact that I was up till nearly 3 AM reading "A Place Called Sweet Shrub." And the night before I pulled the same stunt reading "A Trip to Estelline." Before that it was "The Hundred Secret Senses," though that one took two or three nights. This has been a booky (not a word, I know) week. I woke early this morning, to the sound of Misha being sick, so there has not been much sleep lately. Not that I'm complaining. Just stating the facts.

College Boy planned to spend the day with friends, studying and who knows what else, and there I was with the dilemma. Should I or shouldn't I? Did my back hurt enough to warrant my staying home? It was a toss-up. What about that stomach thing; was I actually sick, or would it pass? Sometimes if I ignore things, they go away. Other times I have ignored things and wound up in the hospital, so one has to be careful in choosing what to ignore. But this one seemed like a safe bet, and I soldiered on. Off to church with me, and I was so glad I went. Friends there gave me a little something, a small gift to help me through these next months. Their son left for the Middle East yesterday, and they have been through this before, so they very much understand how I feel. They spoke of visiting their son these past few days, of being grateful for the chance to talk with him, have dinner with him, look at him. They did lots of looking at him. And, OH! I know just how they felt. Not long ago I spent a lot of time looking at my Soldier Boy. That entry is here .

After church I called home and Husband wasn't there, so I left a message saying that I was going grocery shopping. On the way home I stopped and rented that Ya-Ya movie, thinking I might have time to watch it sometime this week. Well. After a quick lunch of a diet frozen dinner, I decided that now was as good a time as any, and the guys definitely didn't want to see this one, so why not just make it a Girly Day. I popped popcorn, opened a Diet Mt. Dew, and settled down to watch the movie. Candles seemed appropriate, because I love them but never think to light them. That's because I'm usually in and out of the house so much, and I don't believe in leaving them burning while I'm outside, even for a few minutes. So candles were lit, purple ones, and I settled in beneath the afghan, Misha by my side. Watched the whole movie without interruption.

I know people who absolutely LOVE this movie. Who see it over and over with their girlfriends. I thought it was fine... nice to watch once, and maybe watch again, after enough time has passed for me to forget the details, but not something I would want to see a million times. Still, I can't remember the last time I rented a movie, any movie.

It was a good day.

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