The Farm

Dec. 05, 2002 ~ No word

from Soldier Boy. It's been what... ten whole days? Someone asked me yesterday if I'd heard from him, as there was a story on the news about one of our boys getting shot by a sniper. Um, no. Haven't heard. But I have to assume he's okay. My new request is that if my friends hear about people from his unit getting shot, they keep that information to themselves. It's the "head in the sand" approach. I think it will serve me well.

We sent another package and two more letters yesterday. My thinking is that we should slow it down, send maybe one big package a month, and something like two letters a week. But my feeling is that everything is uncertain (do I need to say more?) and I'd better just... do it now. Say it now. Send it now. Write it... now.

I am a bad, bad mom. The worst of all possible moms. After much wrestling with this, I relented and sent Son his requested tobacco products. Shame on me, I know. But I got to thinking... well... I just got to thinking. Maybe he can quit when he comes home. Enough said.

It's cold today. And gray. If I look out the window, I just want to go back to bed. In fact, here it is halfway through the morning, and I have only fed the porch cats. What can I say? I'm a bad cat mom, too. And cow mom. Horse mom. You get the drift. I am cold, just thinking about going outside. Or maybe it really is cold here in the bedroom, where I'm writing. Yep, that's it. So maybe I should just grit my teeth and get outside, get it over with. After all, it can always get worse. It could start raining.

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