The Farm

Nov. 11, 2002 ~ Quiet morning

I always feel like I should be looking over my shoulder or up at the sky, when saying something like, "It's been a quiet morning." Because, really, isn't that just a PERFECT invitation for something to foul up mightily? So very carefully, quietly, almost in a whisper, let me share with you that it's been a peaceful morning thus far.

One of our local civic groups (of which I'm a member) puts out flags on every patriotic holiday. So, bright and early, that's what we were doing. It's actually kind of fun, once you get past the getting up, out, and on the road at first light. And all the road/highway construction makes it a special challenge, but things went in our favor this morning. Afterwards, there was just enough time to come back to the house to feed the horses, change clothes, and go to the civic center for the Veterans Day ceremony. It was a little sad, at first, seeing all the empty seats in the auditorium. Most of the people there were veterans, their wives or widows. Several active duty Soldiers and Marines attended, and a handful of others were there. I realize, though, that most people are at work and unable to attend such early morning events. It was a moving tribute, and more than once I wiped tears from my eyes.

If you are wondering how I can be opposed to war and yet feel so proud of our veterans and service men and women... well, I can see how that would be confusing. Our military personnel have made very real and painful sacrifices, have served us all, and deserve our respect and admiration. I can understand World War II. That makes sense to me... Other conflicts make sense to me, too. But I have a hard time with what's happening now. People wiser than me say that this situation with Iraq is not about weapons, it's about oil. And why should lives be risked and lost for oil? Why are we preparing to be the aggressors? What's going on here? I wish I knew. I keep hoping I will wake up and it will all be a bad dream.

Last night we talked with Soldier Boy, and he's leaving any time now. They have their orders. They're simply waiting to coordinate plans with the Air Force, as they will use "their bird." His words. He speaks this other language now, and I am trying hard to learn it. But this I know... they're all set and ready to go. They are on "two-hour callback" (or is that "call out?"), meaning that when they're off duty, they must be available and able to return to base within two hours. If they don't, they're considered AWOL, and this is a bad time to be AWOL. The Army takes that very seriously.


It's beautiful here, simply gorgeous. This is the East Texas version of Fall Color, and it's lovely in its own way. Is there anything prettier than multicolored falling leaves, drifting from the trees, happily crunching beneath our feet?

There is always something to be thankful for, and today, I'm thankful for falling leaves and crisp Autumn breezes.

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