The Farm

Nov. 07, 2002 ~ Rumors

The thing about rumors is that they aren't always true, so you never really know if you should waste time worrying about them, when there are so many other REAL things to fret about. But in this case the rumors were true. This week 15 people were laid off at Husband's smallish company. That's a fairly large perecentage of their local work force. And as our bills keep going up, our income seems to be going down. But at least he still has his job, and we are grateful for that.

The situation in the choir remains the same. At least the fellow didn't sit directly behind me this time. You know, I've made some mistakes in my life and have done some things that were downright wrong, so I don't know why I'm taking such a hard line with this guy, and feeling so unforgiving and hostile. It's not like I'm perfect, so why does he have to be? I'm still pondering why I dislike him so intensely, and why I can't seem to let go of what he did wrong. Maybe it's because he hasn't acknowledged it or apologized for it.

On a cheerier note, the weather is absolutely beautiful here. It takes a few days of rain and a few weeks of gloom for us to appreciate a simple thing like sunshine, but oh... it's wonderful! The fallen leaves are still colorful, and it's so nice to walk on them and hear that cheery "crunch, crunch" sound. Some of the trees are still lovely, too. In particular, one perfect dogwood on the mountain is cloaked in brilliant red.

Yesterday Susan and I met up with some loggers on our road, and they said they were going to be clear-cutting soon, taking everything, hardwoods and pines. They started yesterday, and have already made such a huge difference! It's a shock, to see it so open and bare, the ground just dirt. No grass, no bushes, no trees, nothing growing at all. This is a bad time of year to do that, because the grass won't have time to grow before winter hits, and there will be so much erosion. Thankfully, they are only cutting a small patch, a very few acres.

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