The Farm

Nov. 06, 2002 ~ Unwelcome thoughts

Wendy's recent entry about alcholism and addiction made me stop and think. I'd written my thoughts about a similar problem here. And I had hoped that would be the end of it, but it hasn't gone away.

Someone somehow convinced this particular alcoholic that he needed to join our church's choir, and even though he can't carry a tune in a bucket, he did. Join. And in a sick twist of fate, he is sitting directly behind ME. You may be wondering why this is a problem. It will probably be good for him, right? It might help him spiritually, give him some needed moral support, and make him feel good to be part of something positive. All true. And if I were a better person, or a more spirtual person, I would welcome him with open arms. But burn me once, shame on you. Burn me twice, shame on me. And this fellow did something which really infuriated me.

To make a long story short, I no longer trust him at ALL, and feel extremely uncomfortable around him. He makes my skin crawl. Husband assumed that I would quit the choir, since this guy joined. Husband assumed wrong.

People tell me that this fellow doesn't stick with anything for very long, and he will probably drop out of choir and stop going to church soon. It pains me to admit this, but if that happens, I'll breathe a sigh of relief.

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