The Farm

Oct. 28, 2002 ~ Green grass,

little tiny baby blades of grass, are growing in the burned area of the hay meadow. Truth be told, I HATE seeing that charred grass. Don't want to say too much out loud, because it was an accident, and I'm sure the neighbors feel terrible about the whole thing, but... I really do hate it. So it's a relief to see those brave green shoots, trying their best to be grown-up grass. The only thing is that freezing temperatures are predicted for later this week, so I don't know if the grass will make it or not. Probably not. There's summer grass and winter grass... here it's bahia and bermuda versus rye. It would be too much to hope that the new growth is rye. Oh, well. It's really not that big a deal, is it? No.

The baby chicks are still cute! Really, really cute! And I hope they'll be okay when it gets colder. They have a doghouse to sleep in, and nice warm hay, and they have each other for warmth. So they'll probably be fine.

My hair is still short. It's been almost three weeks since I got my bangs trimmed, and it's still a surprise every time I look in the mirror. But it's growing, slowly but surely.

Little Blackie is getting braver, or maybe hungrier, because she allowed me to stay on the porch while she ate. I'm honored!

Time to get ready for work.

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